August 28, 2013

There comes a time in the life of a pet when it is old, in pain, and not functional. When it comes to this point in their life, they are simply suffering. Some pet owners cannot think about putting a dog or cat down, but others say this is the humane thing to do in order to remove it from its suffering. If you are a pet owner struggling with this decision, it is a good idea to seek out the opinions of several Dallas veterinarians. They can help you understand where your pet is at in their life and the level of suffering they are experiencing. They can also help give you advice if they think there is something that can be done to help them with their suffering to give them some quality of life back. In the end, the decision is the pet owner’s.

Make the Decision Best for You and Your Pet

After getting all the advice you can, it is best to make a decision as a family. It is important that all members of the family understand the condition of the pet. Making this decision together is the best for the family as well. If the decision is made by a single member of the family to put the pet down, there is a good chance other members of the family will be bitter.  This is a family pet and the family needs to make the decision. However, it is critical that the family understand where the pet is at in life and the amount of suffering being experienced.

Caring for the Aging Pet

All Dallas veterinarians will tell you that taking care of an aging pet is a lot of work. It is important as they age to pay attention to changes they experience. Understanding the changes will help a pet owner understand how to change the care for the pet.  For example, a change in diet is necessary as pets age to accommodate for their more brittle teeth. In addition, they have different nutrition needs. This is all part of taking care of an aging pet.

Posted by LadyJava On August 28, 2013 READ FULL POST

I love playing Daddy’s guitar. Each time I sneak into mommy’s and daddy’s study and see daddy’s guitar there, I can’t help but play with the string. I wonder if daddy will buy me any affordable mandolins for sale at musician’s friend (I think they are similar to the guitar right?) then maybe me and him can duet and create something beautiful for mommy for she comes home soon…hahah


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Posted by LadyJava On August 28, 2013 READ FULL POST

August 07, 2013

It’s been so hot lately that daddy decided we needed a fan in our room. So while mommy was gone fetching granny for the Raya holidays, daddy bought the wall fan and became a handyman over the weekend and now our room is nice and cool even during hot days! Thank you daddy!

wall fan, kitty room


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Posted by LadyJava On August 07, 2013 READ FULL POST

August 02, 2013

We just heard that mommy might need to sing the national anthem during her interview for her permanent residence status.. and mommy is on panic mode.. lol. We joked that maybe she will sound better if she used the Rechargeable Wireless Microphone System like the vocopro uhf-5805 at guitar center and she scoffed at us.. we’re only trying to help mommy!


Posted by LadyJava On August 02, 2013 READ FULL POST

August 01, 2013

Today is our beloved Daddy’s birthday! He turned 7 years old in cat’s year plus one in human year…hahahah.. bet you can’t guess how old is that in human years.. Anyway we don’t know what to get him.. perhaps this custom coins online can be customed to have a picture of a guitar which we know he loves so much or perhaps we can place our pictures on it instead. What do you think?



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Posted by LadyJava On August 01, 2013 READ FULL POST
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