July 22, 2014

One month ago, Azwaj found four bundle of kittens joy on his way to the shop downstairs. Unfortunately three of them passed on one after another that same week which caused both A and me such grief and that left me with puffy eyes for almost a week 🙁

One of them, we named her Baby Mira (short for Miracle) survived through a bad eye infection and an abscess that burst under her right ear and is now thriving at 200grams. She is a very well behaved girl and is not fussy at all unless she is hungry (we all do right?.. lol).

Baby Mira is growing up so fast and we are enjoying each stage of her growth. From a dormant little thing, she is now walking albeit shakily (we can’t help but laugh at her) and letting us know what she likes and what she doesn’t like. She loves sleeping under the blanket with daddy, listening to daddy playing the guitar and watching the mouse move as daddy checked out guitar centre, and she loves snuggling with me after a full bottle feed. Ahh such joy.

Here’s a picture of Baby Mira with the bottle (thanks GP!)

Baby Mira Feeding

and here’s one from today just after she woke up from her very long sleep.

Happy One Month Old Baby Mira!

Posted by LadyJava On July 22, 2014 READ FULL POST

July 04, 2014

Nina wasn’t looking well the week before and after a visit to the clinic, the vet told us that she may not be eating well because of her teeth. The thing is Doc Sharon can’t do anything to her without doing a blood test to make sure she will be able to handle being put under. She gave Nina some antibiotics and told us to monitor her changes. She also suggested we switch her to wet soft food.

We did as the vet suggested and Nina looked to be responsive. Whenever I put the bowl of food in front of her, she will respond, licked a few pieces but then stopped eating. So I had to force fed her which was not easy as she would push my hand away. The next best thing that I could do was to mash the food with water, put it in a syringe and give it to her that way. It was ok for the next few days but then she refused to even feed that way anymore and she would clamp her mouth shut and spurt our whatever I fed her.

She got worse on 3rd July refusing to even drink the water I syringed her with. By that time we sort of knew the end was end. We put a pretty romp on her to keep her warm and made her as comfortable as we possibly can. Azwaj would lie with her and the other kitties would come and keep them company.

However, Nina is pretty stubborn and strong. She would just lie for a bit and then she would move away preferring to be alone. So we placed her in the kitty room (with door opened) as she looked to be more comfy there. We kept checking on her making sure she was ok.

Nina passed away peacefully on 4th July 2014 at around 8am. Our baby turned 14 years old on 21st May.

Nina Sardina
21 May 2000 ~ 4 July 2014

Posted by LadyJava On July 04, 2014 READ FULL POST
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