So proud of CWS (Cat Welfare Society of Singapore) and their work. Keep it up! To donate click on this link. Thank you.
December 07, 2017
July 13, 2017
April 11, 2017
Smokey has sadly crossed the rainbow bridge on 11th April 2017 at around 6.30am. He had been sick for some time and despite the sadness that me and Azwaj feel, we are glad that he is no longer suffering.
He had been strong throughout the whole time he had been sick. We switched to Feline Transfer Factor and Phytoscience Stemcell for him when the vet’s meds were no longer giving him relief. He was on wet food diet and although eating he was still losing weight but we did see a vast difference when we started giving him the stemcell as he was breathing better and his dripping nose dried up noticeably.
Smokey will be 15 years old in June but with his illness, his body could no longer take it. When the vet keep kept giving him the same meds and suggested more test, we decided collectively that we would try to make his remaining time with us as comfortable as we can with no more needles and no more vet visit (Smokey was terrified of the vet clinic) and we believe we were successful up to his last breath.
Smokey passed on in Daddy’s arm that morning. He gave three last short breath and he was gone. Good bye Smokey. Run free with the rest of your family ya… Mommy and Daddy will miss you….Love you forever!
2002 - 11 APRIL 2017
May 08, 2016
Smokey has not been feeling well these last few months. He’s been having this terrible cold and although he’s not down totally or his appetite affected.. he has trouble breathing and his nose is getting crusty from all the discharge.
For his last two visits, the vet gave him cold meds, antibiotics and immune boosters. That did the trick and his nose cleared up but then once his antibiotics course was over, his cold came back.
This would be his third visit. Vet said that Smokey is old.. he is 14 this year .. and so he does not want to do any unnecessary test unless it is indeed necessary and as pawparents we agree.
Let’s see what happens today at the vet. Will update soon.
Mommy to Bloggercats
October 12, 2015
If you have a furry friend that you love with all your heart, you want him or her to be as happy as possible. This means you will need to do your part to be a good pet owner. There is no question that owning a pet is a large responsibility. You are responsible for the life of another living creature. This is something that you need to take very seriously. You owe it to your pet to give this animal the best life that you can. Make them feel as comfortable as possible and they will give you years of unconditional love. Here are some helpful tips for caring for your cats.
1. Control odors
As you might expect, the odors that can be produced by your cat’s litter box are not a pleasant aroma that you want to have wafting throughout your home. Therefore, you need to take steps to minimize this odor in the best way that you can. However, it is very important to realize that the vast majority of felines do not like the smell that is created by scented litters that are popularly sold in many different stores. While the smell may be pleasing to you, you need to consider your cat as well. Even though the scented kitty litter may indeed do a good job at masking the foul odors emanating from their litter box, do not use them because it will upset your cat. You should also avoid using any room deodorizers or air fresheners. Citrus fragrances will most likely bother your cat tremendously. As an alternative way of reducing kitty litter odor, you should scoop the litter two times each day. It would also help to apply some baking soda to the floor of the litter box. If you do both of these things, you will notice that the odors will not be as pronounced.
2. Take time to play with your cat
If you make the decision to get a cat for a pet, you need to make time in your schedule to play with the animal. This should not be a chore for you. It should be something that you truly enjoy. In many ways, a cat is like a person. People feel sad when they are ignored. If you neglect your cat for many days in a row, he or she will not be in a good mood. You want your cat to be at its happiest and healthiest. In order for that to happen, you should play with him or her as much as your schedule permits. You should also buy an assortment of cat toys to keep your pet occupied during the time that you are not around. For more information about the benefits of playing with your cat, you can visit
3. Your cat needs to scratch
Every cat has the desire to scratch embedded in their DNA. Because of this fact, you need to make sure that you have adequate places for your cat to scratch throughout your home. Otherwise, you will end up with a lot of your best furniture being destroyed. You are most likely familiar with scratching posts. These are effective tools to give your cat something to scratch so he or she will not use your furniture or drapes instead. You can also buy scratching pads at your local pet store. If you decide to buy a vertical scratching post, make sure that it is a minimum of three feet high. Burlap is the ideal material for a scratching post. It should be placed close to where your cat usually sleeps. It should also be in close proximity to items you do not want to be scratched by your cat.
4. Keep your cat indoors
Felines that are allowed to go outside usually live for less than three years. However, if you keep your cat indoors, you will lengthen his or her life significantly. Felines that are forced to stay indoors usually live anywhere from 16 to 19 years. Therefore, keep your cat safe by preventing it from going outside. There are a wide variety of dangers outdoors that could harm or kill your cat. It could get hit be a car. This is a very unfortunate fate for many outdoor kitties. It is also common for them to get into fights with wild animals, particularly nocturnal ones like raccoons and skunks. Nothing good can happen as a result of allowing your cat to roam around outside. There are no positives and only negatives.