August 07, 2013

It’s been so hot lately that daddy decided we needed a fan in our room. So while mommy was gone fetching granny for the Raya holidays, daddy bought the wall fan and became a handyman over the weekend and now our room is nice and cool even during hot days! Thank you daddy!

wall fan, kitty room


First Commenter

Posted by LadyJava On August 07, 2013 READ FULL POST

August 02, 2013

We just heard that mommy might need to sing the national anthem during her interview for her permanent residence status.. and mommy is on panic mode.. lol. We joked that maybe she will sound better if she used the Rechargeable Wireless Microphone System like the vocopro uhf-5805 at guitar center and she scoffed at us.. we’re only trying to help mommy!


Posted by LadyJava On August 02, 2013 READ FULL POST

August 01, 2013

Today is our beloved Daddy’s birthday! He turned 7 years old in cat’s year plus one in human year…hahahah.. bet you can’t guess how old is that in human years.. Anyway we don’t know what to get him.. perhaps this custom coins online can be customed to have a picture of a guitar which we know he loves so much or perhaps we can place our pictures on it instead. What do you think?



First Commenter

Posted by LadyJava On August 01, 2013 READ FULL POST

July 25, 2013

Pets do the cutest things, and many people view their pets as their own personal children, or “furbabies.” They are beloved family members, and you want to keep your pets in excellent health. You also want to share their adventures, comical moments and challenges with other people who feel the same way about their pets. When you join the social network for pets at, you can meet all of those goals.

Help with Health Problems
Are you dealing with a minor health problem? You’ve probably seen the vet, but you may be interested in holistic treatments, or you just want to talk with someone else who is going through the same thing with their pets. You can find a sympathetic ear, suggestions for treatments and other advice that may be lacking on your usual social media sites.

Sharing the Joy
If your friends are growing tired of listening to stories about the cute thing your cat did last night, then you need a special social media group that’s dedicated to pets. Other pet lovers will never grow tired of hearing the stories about your favorite pet, so you can share the joy and talk regularly about your favorite pets.

There are several social media sites available, and you may be active with many of them. However, they probably aren’t dedicated to your pets. Whether you want a place where you can talk about the way your fish follow you when you pass in front of the tank or share a funny story about your dog, you can find what you are looking for on social media sites that are dedicated to pets.



Posted by LadyJava On July 25, 2013 READ FULL POST

July 24, 2013

Many families in this country have pets. Pets become part of the family. However, one aspect that many new pet owners do not think about is the cost of a pet. There is a cost that needs to be budgeted to maintain a pet. It can be hard to decide to take your pet to a veterinarian clinic when you are uncertain if they need it or not. However, like any child, you need to error on the side of caution when it comes to your pet and taking them to see the vet.
Watch for Abnormal Behavior

Sometimes there are no obvious, visible signs that there is anything wrong with the family dog, cat, or other pet. However, usually something will signal to you that something is wrong. For example, you may see some abnormal behavior, such as your normally active pet being more lethargic and lazy. You may also notice a pet that does not want to do things they used to do all the time, such as playing fetch or playing with their toys. This may be a sign that something is wrong and they should see a vet.
Not Eating or Eating Very Little

If a pet is not eating as well as they used to eat, it is a sure sign that something is wrong. Of course, you will want to make sure that no one else is feeding them, thereby causing you to think they are not eating well when you try to feed them. Presuming that is not the case, take them in to the vet to find out what is wrong.
The Obvious Injury

Lastly, if your pet has obvious injuries, then don’t hesitate to take them to the veterinarian clinic. An open wound should be treated quickly to avoid infection issues in the future. It is not easy to swallow the bill on a pet injury, but they are part of the family and need their injuries taken care of like any other member of the family. These examples should give you some idea of when to take the pet to the vet. The general rule should be, if you are wondering, take them in.


Posted by LadyJava On July 24, 2013 READ FULL POST
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