December 12, 2012

2012 is leaving us and soon it will be 2013. Well, mommy does not use a physical planner anymore but she say she can get us custom planners here if we want some. I don’t know about you but I love papers and since planners are made of paper, I reckon I will love that so much!

Here is a much younger me with my own planner. Back then, my activities are filled with sleep, eat and play. Now it involves posting in my very own facebook page! By the way, have you LIKE my facebook page yet? I would really appreciate if you could do that as I am trying to win a contest..




Posted by LadyJava On December 12, 2012 READ FULL POST

December 10, 2012

Firstly thank you or as Awan says it.. THANKPAW to all LIKERS of Awan’s facebook page. As of now, Awan is at the number spot but followed closely by the rest of the contenders.. so.. I am trying to take as many pictures and videos to make the page as interesting for everything to attract more LIKES..

If you have any ideas how to attract new LIKERS to the page.. please let me know ok.. all suggestions are welcome!!!..and remember even if you have LIKE Awan’s page.. it would be great if you can LIKE, SHARE and Comment on all the following pictures and post too ok! Meow!



Posted by LadyJava On December 10, 2012 READ FULL POST

December 05, 2012

Awan Sheba

I just set up a facebook page for myself in hopes of winning the grand prize of “ONE YEAR SUPPLY OF SHEBA CAT FOOD” . So I would really appreciate if if you could when you have a moment:

1. Like Me on Facebook

2. Like my photos, post and videos

3. Comment on some photos, post and videos

4.  Share some photos, post and videos on your wall

I’ll be super excited if I could win this for everyone at BloggerCats so any LIKE LOVE would really be making me Meow in Delight!

The contest ends at midnight on 30th December so I still got hope to make up for lost time.. I want to be number 1! Wish me luck!


Posted by LadyJava On December 05, 2012 READ FULL POST

 I am trying very hard to keep my specs on so that I can look smart as I study the cell line authentication at It is very complex work and it will need all the concentration I can muster so that I don’t make any mistake. Daddy is helping to make sure my specs stay in place but I don’t think he is doing a good job.

What do you think?


Posted by LadyJava On December 05, 2012 READ FULL POST

September 08, 2012

Awan Relaxing

While daddy is redoing the ladder in our kitty room (apparently Vivie is having difficulty using it coz she has short legs) and while mommy is polishing her leather bag with leather furniture conditioner (yeap it works on any leather product), I decided to just take it easy on my bed and look pretty. See how colorful our bunk bed is? I just love the to hangout on the pink level as I think it makes me look very beautiful.  Do you agree?



First Commenter
Posted by LadyJava On September 08, 2012 READ FULL POST
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