April 11, 2017

Smokey has sadly crossed the rainbow bridge on 11th April 2017 at around 6.30am. He had been sick for some time and despite the sadness that me and Azwaj feel, we are glad that he is no longer suffering.

He had been strong throughout the whole time he had been sick. We switched to Feline Transfer Factor and Phytoscience Stemcell for him when the vet’s meds were no longer giving him relief. He was on wet food diet and although eating he was still losing weight but we did see a vast difference when we started giving him the stemcell as he was breathing better and his dripping nose dried up noticeably.

Smokey will be 15 years old in June but with his illness, his body could no longer take it. When the vet keep kept giving him the same meds and suggested more test, we decided collectively that we would try to make his remaining time with us as comfortable as we can with no more needles and no more vet visit (Smokey was terrified of the vet clinic) and we believe we were successful up to his last breath.

Smokey passed on in Daddy’s arm that morning. He gave three last short breath and he was gone. Good bye Smokey. Run free with the rest of your family ya… Mommy and Daddy will miss you….Love you forever!


2002 - 11 APRIL 2017

Posted by LadyJava On April 11, 2017 READ FULL POST
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