December 21, 2013

Okay- so maybe not actually smelling like roses but the analogy fits when you have used an odor free machine to cleanse the air in your house, apartment, basement, garage or whatever space may have become contaminated with an offensive odor. Treatment with an odor free machine will leave the area with a fresh, clean smell that encourages deep breaths and smiles.

Safe and Easy to Use

Hotels and apartment buildings can clear nasty odors, such as cigar smoke, cooking odors, pet smells and mustiness quickly and efficiently with a machine that generates ozone. The ozone attacks the nasty, minute particles that cause the bad smells right at their source. No crack or crevice is too small to ban ozone from entering. Ozone is simply the oxygen we breathe with an added atom. Two ways nature converts oxygen (O2) into ozone (O3) is via ultraviolet light and lightening. People use harnessed electricity to create the same effect.

With an ozone generator machine, like those you will find here at, all you have to do is plug it in, set the dial in accordance to space size, odor intensity or and/other listed factors in the directions, and then leave the area until the allotted time is up. When you return, the space will no longer reek of yesterday’s misgivings. Once the O3 has done its job the added atom is lost and O2 once again reigns supreme.


Posted by LadyJava On December 21, 2013
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